Wow, it's been awhile since the last post. Anyways, here's an update on my past week.
Monday was normal. Wake up, school, home, drylands, swim, home, sleep.
Tuesday was lame. Wake up at 4 am for morning practice. Practice 5 to 6:15. Get out and get ready. Rush to school. Get lots of homework. Drylands, swim, then home at 9. Then finally, sleep.
Wednesday started off good. Mom called me in from school to do homework and sleep. Favorite aunt called to take me out to lunch and pick up little cousin from school. While walking down the stairs, I stepped funny onto the wet floor and totally screwed up my ankle. Could barely stand up and felt sick after hearing the loud "pop/crack". Go out to lunch anyways. Come home for senior trip meeting. Ankle is very bruised and about the size of a softball. Four people come to the meeting. By this time, I'm very upset. Friends leave, and I go to sleep.
Thursday was a good day. Wake up, go to school. Both presentations scheduled for today are pushed back to Friday. See really good motivation speaker/assembly about friendships and stuff. Finish school and go home. Drylands to do abs for a solid hour since my ankle was the size of a baseball and was blue and purple. Swim for two hours. Coach was proud that I made it through the whole thing. Finally, I could go home. Sleep.
Then comes Friday, oh wonderful Friday. It was such an amazing day that I am going to write in full sentences for it! I wake up, get ready, and my hair looks really good. I see pretty much everyone that I freakin' love (that goes to my school) and go to my first hour. I totally nail my presentation and get a 100%! Later on, I nail my english project with my partner and everyone loved it. This hour became possibly the greatest class of my life. The people around me, well my friends, and I cracked so many jokes and actually laughed out loud during one presentation. It was amazing. All four of us left the class crying because of the intense laughter. The rest of the day goes by flawlessly. Now on to after school...
I didn't go to drylands today because we were playing ultimate frisbee, which I couldn't really play becuase of the ankle. So I go to swim and actually do really well. I got invited to go to Clutch Cargo's
(which is a real club) for teen night with some of the older swimmer that I don't know very well. I was gonna have to have my mom drive me, which wouldn't be half as fun. Luckily, an extra spot in the car opened up, so I could go with them. We go to one girl's house to get ready and then pile into her car to go. On the ride there, we almost got lost in the creepiest area in the dark
(Yikes!) We get there and find a really good parking spot. So finally we get inside and it is like really sweet looking, but there weren't any hot guys there, and all of the girls looked like they just got off from their job as a hooker. Like two minutes later, we see this girl grinding on some guy, with her whole butt hanging out. I swear, we laughed for like an hour straight at that. We were all dancing and sticking together and having a blast. My friend and I are both pretty tall, and there were only like short guys who were halfway decent looking, so we instantly became magnets for fat thug nasty guys.
(fyi a thug nasty is someone who thinks that they are ghetto, but in reality, are not. more commonly known as a 'wigger') So we had to all bail each other out several times from dancing with creepers, which ended up being really hilarious. So we leave at about 11:45 and decide that it is time to make a run a the border, aka make a Taco Bell run. We were all super hyper and it was just amazing. Like no other words explain. I finally get picked up from my friends house at 12:45 and get home at like 1:30 after picking up my brother form his friends. Morning practice, ahaha.
The past two days have been random, mostly just swim and working around the house since I don't have any homework :)
Well, that was the week update. I'm sure you could not have enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed living it.