You have been trying to take away everything from me. My friends, my reputation, my accomplishments, my life. But you know what... you can't. You can do what you would like, but you can't beat me. I will NOT break down. I know what is right, what is the truth, and who really matters.
Unlike you, I have a clear conscience, true friends, and a good head on my shoulders. Everything I've earned has been through my own hard work and commitment. I'm not exactly sure you can say the same thing. I don't use people or have to pretend to be somebody to be well liked.
I also don;t have to get satisfaction and pleasure from bashing you. I don't talk trash about you, damage your reputation, or even think about you. I am a better person than that.
So please, continue your trash-talk, your attempts to hurt me. But I would just like to tell you, you aren't ever going to break me. You will not win. I'm gonna keep my head up, brush my shoulders off, and smile.
Just remember: Good things happen to good people.
I know I will remember that :)